New Delhi (India), Sept 30 (ANI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh expressed their profound grief on the bus accident in Gujarat Banaskantha that took a toll on at least 21 people."The accident in Gujarat's Banaskantha district is heart-wrenching. Deeply anguished by the loss of precious lives in this tragedy. I express my condolences to the bereaved families and pray for the speedy recovery of the injured," tweeted Rajnath Singh."Deeply anguished by the loss of lives due to a tragic bus accident in Banaskantha, Gujarat. Have spoken to the state and local authorities, they are doing everything possible to help the people in need. My deepest condolences. May the injured recover at the earliest," tweeted Shah.The accident took place when the bus overturned near Trishuliya Ghat, Ambaji.Ajit Raijan, Superintendent of Police (SP), Banaskantha said: "Death toll in the incident has risen to 21."Earlier SG Shah, additional district health officer has informed that as many as 18 people have died while 30 people were reportedly injured initially.The police had reached the accident spot and launched a rescue operation.Further details are awaited. (ANI)

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