Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh) [India], April 18 (ANI): Seven persons including an infant tested positive for COVID-19 here on Friday, taking the tally of virus-infected people to 38 in the district."Seven persons including an infant tested positive for COVID-19 in Moradabad today. Total positive cases in the district rise to 38," said Dr MC Garg, District Chief Medical Officer (CMO) here. Meanwhile, Principal Secretary (Health) Uttar Pradesh Amit Mohan Prasad said that 846 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 49 districts of Uttar Pradesh including 74 cured and discharged. 2962 tests for corona were conducted on Thursday, he said.The officer informed that 993 people are in isolation wards and 10,714 people are in quarantine facilities in the state. (ANI)

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