New Delhi [India], Feb 16 (ANI): Seven Maldivian nationals including a child housed at the quarantine facility in Delhi's Chhawla may leave for their country on Monday evening after completing screening for coronavirus infection, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) said."We are comfortable with the services they are providing. We have six beds here. Doctors do our check-up on a daily basis," one the Maldivians said.Maldivian nationals along with 406 Indians who were evacuated from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of coronavirus, were sent to the quarantine facility in Chhawla.ITBP had earlier said that 406 people housed at the quarantine facility in Chhawla area will be discharged next week if they test negative for coronavirus.In the first test, samples of all 406 people were found negative, officials had said. (ANI)

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