New Delhi [India], Feb 25 (ANI): Serena Williams is a legend and greatest tennis player of all time, former tennis player Mary Pierce said on Tuesday on the sidelines of Roland Garros Junior Wild Card Series tournament."Serena William is incredible, she is a legend and greatest player of all time and what she is doing today after having baby and being married and now that she has achieved, she does not have to play tennis anymore but she does it because she is passionate about it, she loves it and she wants to rewrite the history of the game and win more grand slams title, so I just think it's incredible what she is doing and what she is still capable to do today," Pierce told ANI. Recently, Sania Mirza staged a winning comeback on the tennis court as she along with her Ukranian partner Nadia Kichenok won the Hobart International tournament. The duo defeated Zhang Shuai and Peng Shuai of China 6-4, 6-4 in the finals.The 45-year-old Pierce said that she had the pleasure of playing with Sania Mirza when she was a teenager and she knew one day Sania will become a great champion."I had the pleasure of playing with Sania Mirza I believe when she was sixteen in her first tournament at Hyderabad and it was impressive to be in court with her and to see how hard she hit the ball and at that time she was making a lot of mistakes and I thought if she keeps that ball on the court she is going to be a great champion one day and obviously that happened and she is,"Ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Pierce said that representing your country at the Olympics is great honour and privilege for every tennis player." Olympics is such a special event and as tennis player, it's an honour and privilege to play and represent your country being at the opening ceremony is so special and to think that you have an opportunity to win an Olympic medal just means so much that you are there and you are one of the best tennis players in the world and you are the best in your country and you representing your flag so its a great honour and it's great experience," she added. (ANI)

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