Mumbai, May 7: The Sensex gained over a 100 points in early morning trade on Monday and reclaimed the 35,000 mark. The Nifty, meanwhile, is trading at 10,650. The market breadth remained positive at the beginning of the week with 368 shares advancing, against a decline of 113 shares. 48 shares remained unchanged.
Mahindra & Mahindra, Bajaj Auto, ITC, Hindalco, and Vedanta gained about one to two percent. Meanwhile, Sun Pharma, Cipla, HPCL, and Dr Reddys Labs lost about one percent. The stocks of the pharmaceutical company, Lupin, were down three percent. The Indian rupee slipped to Rs. 67.06 on Monday trading down 20 paise from Friday's closing at Rs. 66.86.
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