Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], May 7 (ANI): The second test of 68 staff members of Ramnagar jail has come negative, said Dr CN Ashwaththanarayana, Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka and Ramnagar district in-charge."All 68 persons who came in contact with the Ramanagar prison staff, police, officers, municipal staff and drivers, who had come in direct contact with the accused in Padarayanapur incident, were examined for the second time. I am very comforted by the negative outcome of all," said Dr Ashwaththanarayana."I am happy to share this happy news that the district is still in the green zone due to the precautionary measures being taken by the government," he added.After five of the accused in Ramnagar Jail were confirmed positive of coronavirus, the jail and its surrounding area of up to 100 meters were declared as containment zone.A ruckus erupted in Padarayanapura on April 19 allegedly over the shifting of 15 secondary contacts of corona positive patients to a quarantine facility by the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) officials.Padarayanapura is recognised as a 'red zone'. When BBMP officials went to shift the suspected COVID-19 patients, some people created a ruckus, broke a barricade and removed the police post in the area. (ANI)
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