Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Mar 11 (ANI): Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh on Wednesday said that Jyotiraditya Scindia, who quit the party yesterday, was "not at all sidelined".Taking to Twitter, Singh said that nothing in the Gwalior Chambal division moved without his consent in the last 16 months."No question he was not at all sidelined. In fact, please ask any Congress Leader from MP particularly from Gwalior Chambal Division and you would come to know nothing moved in this area without his consent in the last 16 months. Sad. But I wish him well under ModiShah Tutelage!" Singh tweeted.The leader's comment comes at a time when uncertainty looms large over the fate of Chief Minister Kamal Nath-led Congress government in Madhya Pradesh after senior leader Scindia and 22 MLAs resigned from the party on Tuesday. (ANI)

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