On the occasion of Rajiv Kapoor's 59th birth anniversary, actor Sanjay Kapoor penned down an emotional post in his memory. "Happy birthday chimps. You will always be missed, Still can't believe that we didn't speak at sharp 12 in the night, Love you and miss you," he wrote on Instagram. Shah Rukh Khan Is the Most In-Demand Actor Worldwide As Per a Talent Agency Study, Followed by Allu Arjun, Priyanka Chopra Jonas - See Full List.
Alongside the note, Sanjay posted a few throwback images, wherein Rajeev Kapoor can be seen sharing smiles with the former. One of the pictures also features Sanjay's wife Maheep Kapoor. Rajiv Kapoor's niece Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, too, marked his birth anniversary. Chehre: Krystle D'Souza Shares Ice-Breaking Moment on Her Bollywood Debut With Amitabh Bachchan.
Check Out Sanjay Kapoor's Instagram Post Below:
Taking to Instagram Story, Riddhima uploaded a picture of Rajiv Kapoor and captioned it with a red heart emoji. Rajiv Kapoor, who had starred in films like 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili', 'Mera Saathi' and 'Hum To Chale Pardes', died on February 9 this year following a cardiac arrest. He was the youngest son of late legendary filmmaker-actor Raj Kapoor.
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