Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Mar 14 (ANI): The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Saturday reiterated to give priority to safety and well-being of fans, athletes and employees during the IPL Governing Council (GC) meeting here."The BCCI along with all the IPL franchises have reiterated the BCCI's stand of putting safety and well-being of fans, athletes, and employees as a priority," the BCCI said in a statement."The Board will continue to monitor and work closely with the Government of India, state governments and other state regulatory bodies to decide on the future course of action in the best interest of public health," added the statement.Further, BCCI sources told ANI that the Governing Council also discussed the possibilities of conducting the entire 60 matches of the tournament in group stages like the ICC competition.Increasing doubleheaders in order to have a curtailed IPL was also discussed in the meeting. The sources also said that the option of conducting matches in two or three centres to restrict travel.Playing the tournament behind the close door without spectators to avoid large gatherings was also discussed in the meeting. On March 13, the BCCI postponed the IPL to April 15, 2020, as a precautionary measure against the ongoing COVID-19 situation. (ANI)
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