New Delhi [India], Dec 3 (ANI): Advocate Rajeev Dhawan who represented the Sunni Waqf Board and other Muslim parties in the Ayodhya title dispute case on Tuesday claimed that he was sacked from the case."Just been sacked from the Babri case by AOR Ejaz Maqbool who was representing the Jamiat. Have sent formal letter accepting the 'sacking' without demur. No longer involved in the review or the case," Dhawan wrote in a Facebook post."I have been informed that Mr Madani has indicated that I was removed from the case because I was unwell. This is total nonsense. He has a right to instruct his lawyer AOR Ejaz Maqbool to sack me which he did on instructions. But the reason being floated is malicious and untrue," he said.Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind on Monday filed a review petition in the Supreme Court against its verdict in Ram Janmbhoomi-Babri Masjid title dispute case.On November 9, the apex court had awarded the disputed land to the deity Ram Lalla and asked the Centre and the state government to give the Sunni Waqf Board a five-acre plot in Ayodhya to build a mosque. (ANI)

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