New Delhi [India], Nov 29 (ANI): A real-time Train Information System (RTIS) is being installed on the locomotives for automatic acquisition of train movement data, including that of arrival, departure and run-through timings at the stations en route, the Centre informed Rajya Sabha on Friday."The control chart of trains hauled by RTIS enabled locomotives gets plotted automatically in the Control Office Application (COA) system already implemented in the control offices. RTIS also gives mid-section location updates, including the current speed of the train, with a periodicity of 30 seconds. The Train Controllers can now track the location and speed of RTIS enabled locomotives/trains more closely, without any manual intervention, facilitating the train control functions," Minister of Railways and Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal, said in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today."The RTIS project is being executed by the Centre for Railway Information System (CRIS), which is an Information Technology arm of Ministry of Railways, in collaboration with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The installation of RTIS device in 2649 passenger and goods train locomotives has been completed till November 20, 2019," he added. (ANI)

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