New Delhi [India], April 16 (ANI): Indian pacer Mohammed Shami on Wednesday hailed Rishabh Pant saying that the wicket-keeper batsman has an amazing talent.Shami joined former cricketer Irfan Pathan on an Instagram live session where both discussed a range of topics."Rishabh's talent is amazing and it is not like he is my friend that is why I am saying. It is just about confidence, the day he got that confidence, he will be very dangerous," Shami said during the session.Shami also praised KL Rahul saying that the batsman is in his 'best form' and playing well in every position he is batting on while Pathan termed Rahul's form as 'unbelievable'. "He smashes a lot. His current form is I think his career's best form. Wherever he is coming to bat, he is playing well. Hope his career continue to proceed like this," Shami said."His (Rahul) current form is unbelievable," Pathan said.Shami also lauded Hardik Pandya calling him the "best all-rounder"."If anyone wants to become an all-rounder, be like Hardik Pandya. He is the best all-rounder," Shami said. (ANI)
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