Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], Dec 4 (ANI): Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday said that persons with disabilities (PwDs) are an important part of the society and asked all concerned to ensure that they are not deprived of their rights."Differently-abled people are an important part of society and their contribution to its development is significant. It is important to ensure that these people are not deprived of their rights. Their rights shall be protected," said the Chief Minister at the State-level program held to mark the International Day for PwDs here.Emphasising on various state government's program for the development of PwDs, Patnaik termed Odisha as an ideal state for the overall welfare of the specially-abled persons. "The development and empowerment of this section of society is my priority. They have a major role to play in the holistic development of our society. With proper guidance, encouragement and equal opportunities, they can excel in every sphere of life," he saidDuring the event, Patnaik also inaugurated a photo exhibition and a product exhibition.The Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD) Department, Odisha had organised a state-level program to observe the World Disability Day.Earlier on Tuesday, the Chief Minister tweeted, "On International Day of Persons With Disabilities, honour the indomitable spirit of all differently-abled. On Disability Day, reaffirm commitment to empower people with disabilities with all human rights and equality so that they can realize their true potential." (ANI)

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