Veteran actor Anil Kapoor received a plethora of wishes as he turned 65 on Friday, but it was his younger daughter Rhea Kapoor's special note that caught fans' attention on social media. Taking to her Instagram handle, Rhea shared a never-before-seen picture of the father-daughter duo from her wedding album.
Veteran actor Anil Kapoor received a plethora of wishes as he turned 65 on Friday, but it was his younger daughter Rhea Kapoor's special note that caught fans' attention on social media. Taking to her Instagram handle, Rhea shared a never-before-seen picture of the father-daughter duo from her wedding album. Sonam Kapoor Shares Adorable Throwback Pictures From Her Childhood To Wish Her Dad Anil Kapoor On His 65th Birthday!
In the picture, just like any other father, Anil was also teary-eyed at his daughter's bidaai. Sharing the picture, Rhea wrote, "Happy birthday to my Soul Twin. @anilskapoor I love you more than I can ever tell you. Best friends forever." Anil Kapoor Turns 65! Arjun Kapoor Morphs Pictures Of His Jhakkas Chachu To Wish Him And It’s Hilarious.
Check Out Rhea Kapoor's Instagram Post Below:
Rhea got married to long-time beau Karan Boolani on August 14 this year at the residence of her father Anil Kapoor in Mumbai's Juhu. Their wedding ceremonies were attended by family members and close friends.
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)Rhea Kapoor Shares a Beautiful Unseen Picture With Father Anil Kapoor From Her Wedding Day on His 65th Birthday!
Rhea got married to long-time beau Karan Boolani on August 14 this year at the residence of her father Anil Kapoor in Mumbai's Juhu. Their wedding ceremonies were attended by family members and close friends.
Rhea Kapoor Shares a Beautiful Unseen Picture With Father Anil Kapoor From Her Wedding Day on His 65th Birthday!
Rhea got married to long-time beau Karan Boolani on August 14 this year at the residence of her father Anil Kapoor in Mumbai's Juhu. Their wedding ceremonies were attended by family members and close friends.
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