New Delhi [India], Nov 6 (ANI): Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik on Wednesday said that they have received a fair relief by the Delhi High Court in their review petition and urged the police personnel to maintain discipline and order."We have received a fair relief by the Delhi High Court with respect to the issues we had raised through a review petition. We are making appropriate efforts in this regard," Patnaik said in a message to the police personnel.He said that "we are a part of the country's elite police force and therefore should understand our responsibilities""I would like to appeal all of you to avoid all provocations and maintain the image of the Delhi Police by continuing doing your duty," Patnaik said."I had appealed all of you yesterday to maintain discipline keeping in mind that people have empathy towards our concerns. I am proud and happy that all of you understood me and continued carrying out your duties," he added.Earlier today, the Delhi High Court advised that representatives of the advocates and the police establishment be convened, who should make a sincere effort to meet and sort out their differences amicably.Thousands of Delhi Police personnel had on Tuesday held a protest outside the Police Headquarters at the ITO here over the clash with lawyers at Tis Hazari Court complex on November 2 over an alleged parking issue. (ANI)
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