New Delhi [India], Jan 9 (ANI): Ahead of the I-League clash with Real Kashmir, Punjab's head coach Yan Law said that their opponents are strongest in home conditions."Kashmir is one of the strongest teams at home. The weather, the artificial turf, the size of the pitch, and the fans are all in favour of Real Kashmir, " Law said in a statement.Law said that the upcoming match will be a tough encounter but players have trained well and are ready for the clash."It's very difficult to get points off them for any travelling team. But the boys have worked hard and are ready to get the points we missed from the last game. Let's hope for the best," he said.Real Kashmir head Coach David Robertson believed that if the side remains consistent then beating Punjab will not be difficult."Punjab is always a tough team to play against. We know it will be a tough encounter but we are looking forward to it. If we play and work as hard as we have, we can win the game," Robertson said.Commenting on the I-League games, Robertson said that the league is tough and full of twists and turns."Hero I-League is very competitive and there is no easy game and every team is capable of beating each other so there will be a lot of twists and turns as we move on," he said.Last season following the Pulwama terror attack, Punjab team refused to travel to Srinagar for the match against Real Kashmir.Both teams will lock horns with each other on January 10 at the TRC Turf Ground in Srinagar. (ANI)
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