On the release day of his cricket drama '83' on Friday, actor Ranveer Singh shared an adorable picture of his mother Anju Bhavnani with the actual 1983 World Cup that the Indian Cricket Team had won. Alongside the image, Ranveer wrote, "Hum jeet gaye, Mumma! (ps: that's the actual cup!)." 83 Movie Review: Ranveer Singh, Kabir Khan’s Film On India’s First-Ever World Cup Win In 1983 Receives Positive Response From Critics.

Ranveer's mother was recently spotted at '83' grand premiere in Mumbai.Directed by Kabir Khan, '83' revolves around India's historical 1983 cricket World Cup win. Ranveer has essayed the role of Kapil Dev, captain of the World Cup-winning team. 83: Ranveer Singh And His Team Members Are Beaming With Joy In This Brand New Poster!

Check Out Ranveer Singh's Instagram Post Below:


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Deepika Padukone, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Saqib Saleem, Harrdy Sandhu and Ammy Virk among others are also a part of the film.

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