Actor Ranbir Kapoor was in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for the Red Sea International Film Festival 2024, and undoubtedly added Bollywood glam to the event with his presence. His red carpet appearance was eye-catching, as he shared a memorable moment with Hollywood actress and director Olivia Wilde. Several images from the gala surfaced online in which Ranbir can be seen posing with Olivia Wilde on the red carpet. Ranbir looked dapper in a red bandhgala coat that he wore with a white shirt and black pants. On the other hand, Olivia could be seen donning a white gown. She accentuated the ensemble with heels, a gilded gold cuff, and rings. Red Sea International Film Festival 2024: Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor Attend The Prestigious Event, Bollywood Actors Talk About Popularity of Indian Cinema (Watch Video).
Ranbir Kapoor Greets Olivia Wilde at RSIFF 2024
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Ranbir Kapoor on 'Animal 2' and 'Animal 3'
On the sidelines of the Red Sea Film Festival, Ranbir spoke with Deadline and shared updates on his upcoming projects. He said that the team is currently working on the script for Animal 2 and is likely to begin shooting in 2027. "We should start that film in 2027. It's a bit away," Ranbir said and then added, "He (Sandeep Reddy Vanga, director) just kind of flirted with what he wants to do with the movie. He wants to make it over three parts. The second part is called Animal Park. We have been sharing ideas from the first film itself, and how we want to take this story forward. It is very exciting because now I get to play two characters - the antagonist and the protagonist. It is an extremely exciting project with an extremely original director. I am very excited to be a part of it." Animal Movie Review: Ranbir Kapoor's Provocative Performance Can't Rescue Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Exhausting and Disturbing Ode to Toxic Masculinity (LatestLY Exclusive).
Ranbir Kapoor on Working in Hollywood
When asked whether he would consider making a movie in Hollywood, Ranbir said, "Well, of course. If the opportunity arises for that it would be very exciting for me but I'm even more excited to make a film made by my people, my country and take it around the world."
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