Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], Feb 8 (ANI): Union Minister Ramdas Athawale on Saturday hit out at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over the controversial remarks made by Gandhi scion on Prime Minister Narendra Modi."If Rahul Gandhi hits PM with sticks, we will hit him with eggs (Agar Rahul Gandhi PM ko danda marenge to hum unko ande marenge). Rahul lost Amethi making such comments. He is destroying Congress party," the Union Minister said while speaking to ANI here.Gandhi had said while addressing a rally at Old Delhi's Hauz Qazi that Modi will not be able to move out of his house in the next six months as "youth will make him understand that without employment, the country can never progress.""Narendra Modi, who is giving speeches, he will not be able to move out of his house in the next six months. The youth of India will hit him with sticks," Gandhi had said.The Prime Minister on Thursday gave a reply to Gandhi over his 'danda' jibe, saying he been abused sufficiently in the last 20 years that he has become 'Gaali-proof'."I have decided that I will increase the frequency of 'Surya Namaskar' so that my back becomes so strong that it can bear the assaults," Modi had said. As Gandhi attempted to interject, Modi said he had been speaking for 30-40 minutes but the current has reached there now. "Some tube lights work like this," he had said.Modi also took a jibe at Gandhi over his 'danda' remark at a rally in Kokorajhar in Assam on Friday. He said that some leaders talk about beating him with sticks but he is protected by the blessings of "all mothers of India." (ANI)

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