New Delhi [India], May 11 (ANI): National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested Mohammed Faruk (48), a resident of Trichy, Tamil Nadu in connection with the murder of Ramalingam."Mohammed Faruk was summoned and interviewed and simultaneously search was also conducted at his residence on May 9 during which some digital evidence were seized. His questioning and materials seized during the search have revealed the extent of involvement of Mohammad Faruk in the instant case," NIA said in a statement on Friday.He will be produced before Special NIA Court, Chennai on Saturday.NIA had searched 20 locations including the houses of arrested accused on May 2 and several incriminating materials were seized. Accused persons, in this case, are Popular Front of India (PFI)/ SDPI cadres.Searches were also carried out in four offices of Popular Front of India (PFI), the statement added. According to NIA, Faruk and other accused in the case hatched a conspiracy for committing a terrorist act pursuant to which they chopped off hands of Ramalingam (42), a resident of Thoondivinagam-Pettai, Thirubuvanam while he was returning to his home on the night of February 5.Ramalingam succumbed to injuries on February 6.A case was registered in Thiruvaimarudur Police Station under section 341, 294(b), 307, 120B, 143, 147, 148, 302 and 149 of the Indian Penal Code IPC and under section15, 16, 18, 18B, 19, 20 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.Tamil Nadu Police had arrested 10 accused in this case while six others are absconding. NIA had recently taken over the case from Tamil Nadu police. (ANI)
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