New Delhi (India), July 19 (ANI): Delhi Assembly Speaker, Ram Niwas Goel has sent a defamation notice to SAD MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa on Thursday, for allegedly posting a picture from his verified Twitter account that shows "Son of MLA" written on car, which Sirsa had claimed "belongs to the Goel's son, Sumit Goel"."We, under the instructions of "Our Client", Ram Niwas Goel hereby state that the contents of allegations published by Manjinder Singh Sirsa on his Twitter account about the involvement of my client's son is displaying on his car as Son of MLA to promote nepotism and misuse of name power and designation of my client which is ex-facie false and defamatory of my clients," read the notice."In fact, the car doesn't belong to my client's son Sumit Goel. You by publishing at your Twitter account these false and defamatory allegations/statements damaged the reputation of my client. This was done to score political gain on the cost of putting the reputation /image of my client in harm," read the notice.The notice called up Sirsa to stop any further circulation of the "report justifying false claims"."In case of failure to comply with this notice within a period of 7 days of receipt of this legal notice, you shall render your jointly and severally liable to face appropriate civil as well as criminal proceedings under the relevant provisions of law at your risk as to cost and consequences." (ANI)
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