Bundi (Rajasthan) [India], Dec 5 (ANI): A notice has been given to actress Payal Rohtagi for allegedly posting an objectionable video related to former prime ministers Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi."Rajasthan Youth Congress general secretary Charmesh Sharma has filed a complaint stating Payal Rohtagi has posted an objectionable video about JL Nehru, Indira Gandhi on Facebook on September 1. During the investigation, our team reached her residence in Mumbai. Later, we met Rohtagi at her parent's home in Gujarat. We have given her the notice to file a reply in the case," Lokendra Paliwal, Investigating Officer, Sadar Police Station told ANI.The complaint was filed by Sharma in October at Bundi Sadar police station followed by which the police registered the case under 66 and 67 of IT Act.Meanwhile, Rohtagi posted a video on the social media apologising over the matter. (ANI)
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