Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], Jan 18 (ANI): Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday announced that 6000 scooters will be distributed by the Tribal Regional Department (TAD) to the meritorious tribal girls in the financial year 2019-20."The increase in the number of scooters is approved from 4,000 to 6,000," read a government statement. It also stated that Gehlot has approved to increase the number of Scooties to be given to meritorious students under Devanarayana School Scooty Scheme from 1,000 to 1,500."This decision of the Chief Minister will encourage girls to study further and this will directly promote girl education," the statement read.The Chief Minister also approved the inclusion of meritorious students belonging to scheduled castes and minorities in the Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Students Scooty Scheme. With this decision of the Chief Minister, the meritorious students of scheduled castes and minorities will get scooters. (ANI)
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