Actor Radhika Madan is thrilled to collaborate with filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj for his upcoming multi-starrer production Kuttey and hopes she is able to do justice with her role in the caper-thriller. Backed by Vishal Bhardwaj and filmmaker Luv Ranjan, Kuttey marks the directorial debut of the former's son, Aasmaan Bhardwaj. The film is written by the father-son duo. Palkein Kholo Song: Fatima Sana Shaikh Directs Music Video for This Cheering Number by Vishal Bharadwaj.

Aasmaan Bhardwaj, who has completed his bachelors in filmmaking from the School Of Visual Arts, New York, has assisted his father on projects like "7 Khoon Maaf", "Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola" and "Pataakha", which starred Madan. "Vishal sir is family. I have spent so much time with Aasmaan during 'Pataakha'. I kind of feel proud that he is making his debut now. He has done such a fabulous job with the script. I just hope I am able to live up to that script, perform it as beautifully as it is written," Madan told PTI. 14 Years Of Omkara: Ajay Devgn Celebrates Vishal Bharadwaj’s Blockbuster, Calls It a Special Film.

Kuttey also features Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Konkona Sen Sharma, Naseeruddin Shah, Kumud Mishra and Shardul Bhardwaj. Madan, 26, said she was both excited and nervous to share the screen space with such a great cast. "Not just because it is my second film with Vishal sir but it is also Aasmaan 's debut. I would give my heart and soul to it. He has worked extremely hard. And the casting is also... I am so pumped and scared, thinking,

'How will I perform in front of all those people! It's nerve-racking but so exciting," she added. The film is in the pre-production stage and is expected to go on floors by the end of 2021. Kuttey is presented by Bhushan Kumar's T-Series. Madan's is currently seen on Disney + Hotstar's romantic drama movie Shiddat, co-starring Sunny Kaushal, Mohit Raina and Diana Penty.

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