Chandigarh (Punjab) [India], April 26 (ANI): The Punjab Police on Saturday created and launched a digital 'Remembrance Wall' to enable the colleagues, family, friends and admirers of deceased ACP Anil Kohli to pay their respects and homage to the corona warrior, who died performing his duties.Notably, ACP Anil Kohli was the first Police officer in the country to succumb to COVID-19 on April 18, 2020, in LudhianaIn his message on the launch of the digital 'Remembrance Wall' by the Punjab Police, the Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh has commended the State Police for taking the initiative."Dedicating the digital Remembrance Wall created in the memory of ACP Anil Kohli to all the corona warriors of different police forces of India in the coming days since many outstanding police officers of the country, including ACP Anil Kohli of Punjab Police and two SHOs from Indore and Ujjain in MP have already lost their lives, Gupta said while battling COVID-19 several have either tested positive and many hundreds are quarantined across different states," read a press statement of the Punjab government.While posting his message, DGP Dinkar Gupta, said, "Dear Anil, you are an inspiration to the entire Punjab Police. Your dedication to duty, your selfless service and your ceaseless acts of humanitarian goodness have endeared you to the entire State of Punjab. Your sacrifice in the line of duty will continue to motivate us for all in the relentless fight against this terrible disease. You have become a beacon for us all in the Punjab Police. May your soul Rest In Peace."Gupta further said that the digital 'Remembrance Wall' also has a live map of Punjab where visitors can click on every district for live updates and videos on the work being done by the Punjab Police personnel in the service of the people of State.Dinkar Gupta also informed that the Punjab Police, besides losing ACP Anil Kohli, also suffered a major setback when the hand of ASI Harjit Singh was dismembered while on duty in Patiala on April 19, in an incident that grabbed national headlines. (ANI)
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