Pune, October 04: The city police's Crime Branch Unit II has arrested a man and seized ten elephant tusks from his possession. The accused was arrested on September 24 with four elephant tusks and based on his confession, six more carved tusks, with engravings on them, were seized on Thursday. Malaysia: Borneo Pygmy Elephant Shot 70 Times, Tusks Removed.
The accused has been identified as Bhima Chauhan, a resident of Telangana, who is currently lodged in Yerawada Central Jail."He has been booked under relevant sections of Wildlife Protection Act and our teams are trying to find out the actual source of these tusks and the purpose for they were being used," said Bachchan Singh, DCP, Crime Branch. If more people are involved then legal action would be taken against them, he added. Further investigation in the matter is going on.
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