Puducherry [India], Dec 29 (ANI): The Puducherry Police has denied permission for the conduct of an event on the eve of New Year at the premises of Old Port, the tickets for which were already sold by an online booking site after permission was granted by the Port department to an event management company.The permission has been denied citing lack of clearance from various government departments like fire, excise etc. The tickets for the event have been sold for Rs 4999 under premium couple category and 5999 under the Elite couple category. The tickets have also been sold under categories like regular Stag (Rs 1999), premium stag (Rs 2499) etc. at some lower rates."When the organizer was enquired about the proposed event, he was not able to explain about the proposed event including the crowd management, parking facilities etc," said a note from the office of Senior Superintendent of Police, Law & Order."Further, before getting clearance from various line departments, the organizer has posted an advertisement in the social media network including 'Book My Show', in which it is mentioned that " entry permitted for age 15 years and above." As such, selling liquor to minors is found to be illegal. It is also mentioned that "2 beers per person will be provided or unlimited beers depending upon the category of tickets purchased," it read. "During Interdepartmental coordination review meeting both the fire and municipal authorities have categorically observed that no organizer has approached them for permission for conducting the event in Old port area," said police."The organizer has so far not requested the Excise department for supplying of liquor to participants during the event," it read.Police said that Port Department granting permission without clearance from various departments is a "serious lapse" and a report is sought from Secretary Ports on how such permission was granted without due notice to all line departments. (ANI)

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