Banjul [The Gambia], Aug 1 (ANI): President Ram Nath Kovind will inaugurate exhibitions on Mahatma Gandhi and Khadi at the Ebunjan Theatre in The Gambia on August 1 to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of the Mahatma, the MEA said on Wednesday."The Vice President of Gambia (Isatou Touray) will receive the President at these exhibitions. Indian Social and Cultural Association of the Gambia are supporting the exhibitions which will be held at the Ebunjan Theatre from August 1 to October 2, 2019," MEA Secretary (ER) TS Tirumurti said in a press briefing.Tirumurti added that the Khadi samples for the exhibitions have been provided by the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), while that for the Gandhi exhibitions have been sent by the Gandhi Smriti.Earlier in the day, President Kovind held delegation with his Gambian counterpart Adama Barrow in Banjul and promised to extend an assistance of USD 500,000 in support of skill development and cottage industry projects in the West African country.Tirumurti said that the two leaders expressed their determination to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. In addition, they also agreed to cooperate in the spirit of South-South cooperation at the international and bilateral levels.The two sides also signed and exchanged a Memoranda of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy. (ANI)
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