Hyderabad [Telangana] [India], May 10 (ANI): Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed the officials concerned to prepare a Comprehensive Agriculture Policy for the state with an aim to make the agriculture sector profitable.During the video conference, the CM said, "A Comprehensive Agriculture policy should be prepared in the state. Everything should happen in tune with the policy. The government should decide on which crops should farmers go in for. Planning should be done in such a way that crops should be cultivated based on the food needs of people in the state and the crops, which are in demand in the markets in other regions. Identify alternative crops. Suggest these crops to farmers. Cultivation should be done on these lines. The government will make arrangements so that farmers will get support price for their produce.""Agriculture department should prepare an inventory recording the assets, buildings of the department and other such relevant information in details. Take the data on the number of tractors, agriculture tools, harvesters an8’ Episode Update: Chaahat Pandey, Rajat Dalal & Shrutika Arjun’s Fate in Live Audience’s Hands" /> ‘Bigg Boss 18’ Episode Update: Chaahat Pandey, Rajat Dalal & Shrutika Arjun’s Fate in Live Audience’s Hands