Former India spinner Pragyan Ojha on Wednesday said the country knows how important farmers are and an outsider's opinion is not needed on an internal matter after international pop star Rihanna extended support to farmers protesting on the borders of India's capital against the three agriculture laws introduced by the Central government." My country is proud of our farmers and knows how important they are, I trust it will be addressed soon. We don't need an outsider poking her nose in our internal matters," said Ojha while replying to Rihanna's tweet. Monty Panesar, Former England Spinner, Invites Rihanna To Talk on Indian Farmers’ Protest
On Tuesday, Rihanna took to Twitter to share a news story by CNN on the internet shutdown in several districts of Delhi's neighbouring state Haryana after protestors broke barricades to enter New Delhi and clashed with police in several parts of the national capital during the January 26 'tractor rally' protest organised by farmers. The protestors also entered the iconic Mughal Era monument Red Fort and unfurled their flags from its ramparts. "Why aren't we talking about this?!", tweeted Rihanna, as she added the hashtag #FarmersProtest along with the post on the micro-blogging site. Rihanna Shows Solidarity Towards Farmers’ Protests in India, Kangana Ranaut Responds Harshly to Her Tweet
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has also extended support to the farmers protesting on the borders of New Delhi. "We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India," Thunberg tweeted. On the other hand, actor Kangana Ranaut, who had supported farm laws called Rihanna a "fool" and said that the protestors were not farmers but "terrorists who are trying to divide India". "No one is talking about it because they are not farmers they are terrorists who are trying to divide India, so that China can take over our vulnerable broken nation and make it a Chinese colony much like the USA... Sit down you fool, we are not selling our nation like you dummies," tweeted Kangana.
Pragyan Ojha Reply to Rihanna's Tweet on Farmers’ Protest
My country is proud of our farmers and knows how important they are, I trust it will be addressed soon. We don’t need an outsider poking her nose in our internal matters!
— Pragyan Ojha (@pragyanojha) February 2, 2021
Farmers have been protesting on the different borders of the national capital since November 26 last year against the three newly enacted farm laws: Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; the Farmers Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and farm Services Act 2020 and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.
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