New Delhi, December 17: Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa will be visiting India for two days from December 19-20, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement on Monday."Prime Minister of Portugal Antonio Costa will be visiting India on a working visit from 19-20 December on an invitation extended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the second meeting of the Organising Committee on the celebrations for the 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 19 December 2019.

The Organising Committee meeting would be presided over by the President of India."Costa will hold official talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 19. The MEA statement said this will be the third official meeting between the Prime Ministers in a span of three years.

Costa's present visit to India is his first bilateral visit outside Europe after being re-elected as the Prime Minister on October 6, 2019."The high-level political exchanges between India and Portugal have imparted a robust momentum to bilateral relations, including in several new areas such as science and technology, defence, startups, shipping, youth exchanges and culture.

This visit would provide another opportunity to the leaders to review the whole gamut of bilateral relations and forge closer cooperation in areas of mutual interest," the MEA said.

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