It's an emotional day for Pooja Bhatt as today marks the first death anniversary of actor Faraaz Khan. Taking to Instagram, Pooja penned a heartfelt post in the beloved memory of Faraaz."It was the 4'TH of Nov 2020 when I was granted the privilege & responsibility of announcing to the world that Faraaz Khan had left us by his grieving & truly generous family. Faraaz Khan, Fareb and Mehndi Actor, Passes Away; Pooja Bhatt Condoles Demise Of Bollywood Actor.

Time has flown, yet not. I speak for us all when I say we are still numb with the suddenness of his departure and the vacuum he leaves behind, one that we fill with the music he introduced us to & taught us to love and the memory of some dramatic & mostly laughter infused times," she wrote. Pooja also posted a candid picture of Faraaz. Faraaz Khan Is Battling For Life In ICU, Pooja Bhatt Requests Fans To Contribute To The Fundraiser Set Up For Veteran Actor.

Check Out Pooja Bhatt's Instagram Post Below:


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"This is my favourite photo of him. One that I shot on a beach in the Seychelles.A time that was smeared in innocence, discovery and genuine camaraderie between every single person on that journey.A time that shall live on in my memory till I breathe my last & then hopefully convert to a lingering,light-filled memory for another to draw from & pass on. Shine on Faraaz.. and thank you for the love & the music," she added. Faraaz, best known for his role in 'Fareb' and 'Mehndi', died of brain infection last year.

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