Washington [US], May 24 (ANI): Terming "India's elections an inspiration" across the world, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on their resounding victory in 17th Lok Sabha elections."Congratulations to @narendramodi and the NDA for their victory in India's election, and to the Indian people for casting their votes in such historic numbers. As the world's largest exercise in democracy, #India's election is an inspiration around the world," tweeted Pompeo.Earlier in the day, US President Donald Trump also congratulated Modi on his win, outlining that "great things are in store for the US-India partnership with the return of PM Modi at the helm."Scores of world leaders including Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended their wishes to PM Modi, as he's slated to undertake his second consecutive term as India's Prime Minister.The BJP on Thursday got an overwhelming majority in the Lok Sabha, crossing on its own the 300-mark while storming back to power for the second consecutive term.The BJP-led NDA was close to touching the 350-mark like in the previous elections in 2014. The half-way mark in the 543-member Lok Sabha is 272. (ANI)
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