Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Oct 26 (ANI): Police have seized 561 kg cannabis (ganja) valued at over Rs 11 lakh from a lorry at Tallapalem village in Visakhapatnam district. Two people have been taken into custody in connection with the case.According to the police, one of the accused has been identified as Sudarsan Singh."Kasimkota Police got a tip-off that a huge amount of cannabis was being smuggled. Acting on this the police caught the lorry at Tallapalem village, Kasimkota Mandal, Visakhapatnam district," said L Himagiri, Sub Inspector, Kamimkota.The police official stated that two people from Bihar bought 561 kg of cannabis worth approximately Rs 11.25 lakh from Chintapalli, a tribal hamlet in the Visakha agency area. They have been taken into custody."The cannabis was being illegally transported in the lorry. We have seized two mobile phones and Rs 51,000 cash from the possession of the accused persons. A case will be filed and both the accused will be produced in the court," he added.Himagiri further stated that the cannabis was packed in 94 packets, each weighing 6 kg. A total of 561 kg of cannabis was seized. (ANI)
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