New Delhi [India], Oct 14 (ANI): Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized and identified movable and immovable assets worth more than Rs 3,830 crores owned by Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited (HDIL), its Directors/Promoters, PMC Bank officials and others related entities in the PMC Bank case.The ED shared the information on the agency's official Twitter account.Earlier in the day, a Mumbai court sent former Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC) chairman Waryam Singh and HDIL promoters Rakesh Wadhawan and Sarang Wadhawan to the police custody in alleged connection with the bank fraud case.The Esplanade court in Mumbai remanded the trio to police custody till 16th October.Last week, the Mumbai Police had nabbed the Wadhawan duo. According to the police, PMC bank officials gave loans to HDIL between 2008 and 2019 despite no repayment of the previous loans.Joy Thomas, the former managing director of PMC Bank, is already in police custody. (ANI)

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