New Delhi [India], Jan 15 (ANI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday greeted the people of the country on Makar Sankranti, Magh Bihu and Pongal.Taking to Twitter, The Prime Minister extended his greetings in a series of tweets."Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Makar Sankranti which is full of colors of nature, tradition and culture," Modi tweeted."Magh Bihu signifies hope and prosperity. On this festival, my greetings to everyone, especially my sisters and brothers of Assam. May this special occassion further the spirit of joy in society," the Prime Minister said in another tweet."Pongal greetings to everyone. May this festival fill everyone' lives with abundant prosperity. May everyone be blessed with good health," Modi said in a tweet.Makar Sankranti is a festival in the Hindu calendar, dedicated to the Sun deity Surya, while 'Magh Bihu' is celebrated with community feasts after the annual harvest takes place.Pongal is a four-day harvest festival dedicated to the Sun God.To mark the festival, the Pongal sweet dish is prepared and is first offered to the Gods and Goddesses followed, sometimes with an offering to cows. It is then shared with the family. (ANI)
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