New Delhi [India], Jan 15 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called the Raisina Dialogue -- India's annual global conference on geopolitics and geo-economics - as a 'vibrant forum' for discussing important global and strategic issues."Attended the @raisinadialogue in New Delhi. Over the years, this has emerged as a vibrant forum for discussing important global and strategic issues. I also had the opportunity to meet leaders who are great friends of our nation," the Prime Minister tweeted.The fifth edition of Raisina Dialogue kicked off here on Tuesday. The inaugural session of the flagship conference, jointly organised by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation, was addressed by the Prime Minister.World leaders participating in the Dialogue hailed Modi's leadership and vision with respect to a range of global issues. Former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that he would like to see India as a "strong component of the global alliance of democracies" and appreciate Prime Minister Modi's leadership in that respect.Harper said that India would not become a "bastion of western liberals" and under the current government, its identity is "coming back in a big way"."I think the reality of the increasingly multi-polar world will be that there is not a simple answer to that. But a big part of the answer in the future will be a role played by India. If I can pay tribute to Prime Minister Narendra Modi here I think it will be the kind of India that Prime Minister Modi's vision is creating," Harper said."I am not just talking about the energetic domestic reforms, but very much a country that is self-defined and aspires to be a global cooperative partner, but at the same time will be very much Indian. India is not going to be a bastion of western liberalism," he added.The mega-event is a result of India's contribution to global efforts to discover solutions, identify opportunities and provide stability to a century that has witnessed an eventful two decades.The three-day conclave brings together 700 international participants, of which 40 per cent of the speakers will be women, emphasising India's commitment to gender equality. (ANI)
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