New Delhi [India], May 31 (ANI): A Public Interest Litigation was filed in Delhi High Court on Thursday seeking a change of the title of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's upcoming movie 'Bharat'.According to the petitioner, Vikas Tyagi, the movie is "distorting the culture and political image of our great country 'Bharat'."In his plea, Tyagi had contended that the title of the film is in violation of Section 3 of Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, according to which the word 'Bharat' cannot be used for the commercial purpose.He has also sought change in one of the dialogues of the film where the character has been compared to the country, contending that it hurts the patriotic sentiments of the people of the country."This film is fraught with Salman's typical flippancy and vulgarity. Being a 'Bharatiya', I feel it is not appropriate to name such film or any character associated with this film after our great nation," Tyagi said.The movie, which also stars Katrina Kaif, is slated for a release on June 5. (ANI)
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