Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Jan 11 (ANI): Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday said that people opposing movie Chhapaak are 'Hitler' supporters and they cannot tolerate any type of opposition."Those who are opposing Chhapaak are Hitler supporters. They cannot tolerate any type of opposition. The actor of this film has been called Pakistani, Chinese etc. just because she stood in support (of JNU students)," said Baghel while speaking to the reporters here. "This movie is based on the life of Laxmi Agarwal. The movie is about the struggles a woman goes through after an acid attack. Every family should watch this movie. Even if someone is opposing something or someone, they'll go to any extent to defame that person," he said. On being asked about Chief Minister's tweet where he had stated that he will be watching movie Chhapaak today, and the reactions of netizens' mentioning Baghel as 'anti-national', the chief minister said that such people are 'Bhakts' who are 'rented' people who are paid to post such comments."This movie will convey a message to the society. It's a very touching and sensitive movie," Baghel added. (ANI)

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