People Buying Alcohol Get Marked with Ink in MP's Hoshangabad District
Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad district Excise officer Abhishek Tiwari has opted indelible ink to keep of people purchasing liquor.
Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh) [India], May 8 (ANI): Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad district Excise officer Abhishek Tiwari has opted indelible ink to keep of people purchasing liquor."The indelible ink is being applied to the index finger of buyers coming to purchase liquor, in Hoshangabad district. It's being done to trace people in near future if needed," Tiwari told ANI."Besides, all the customers are being asked to put down their names, address and mobile number in the register kept at the liquor shops," he said.He further said that though 50 liquor shops in non-containment zones have been opened, "no rush as such has been witnessed."After the lockdown was extended till May 17, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued new guidelines allowing the opening of liquor shops. (ANI)
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