Islamabad [Pakistan], Dec 25 (ANI): The Pakistan government on Tuesday decided not to remove Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) vice president Maryam Nawaz's name from the Exit Control List (ECL)."The Cabinet unanimously rejected the request to remove the name from ECL of the VIP personality you are inquiring about," the government's chief spokesperson Firdous Ashiq Awan said at a press conference, referring to Maryam.In response to a further question on the same, the spokesperson said that the Cabinet had decided to remove the name of former Pakistan Prime Minister and Maryam's father Nawaz Sharif from the ECL only after "clear instructions" were given by the High Court, while in Maryam's case, the recommendations of the sub-committee had been endorsed, as per a report by Dawn.In the past few weeks, Maryam has approached the Lahore High Court twice with a request to have her name removed from the no-fly list, so that she could travel to London to see her ailing father. (ANI)

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