New Delhi [India], Feb 3 (ANI): Amid protests by the Opposition over the amended Citizenship Act in both Houses of Parliament on Monday, BJP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Shiv Pratap Shukla said that some leaders are trying to create "a Shaheen Bagh even inside Parliament"."Till now they (Opposition) had not got the opportunity. They are behind the Shaheen Bagh (protests) as well, and now they are trying to repeat the Shaheen Bagh even inside Parliament as well," Shukla, a former Union minister, told ANI here.The MoS further said that people are now getting tired of the anti-CAA protests being held in Shaheen Bagh."The people are now tired of the protests at Shaheen Bagh. The people want the roads to be reopened and a very few people are with the (anti-CAA) protesters now," he said.The Lok Sabha witnessed disruptions during Question Hour from members of Congress and some other Opposition parties who continuously raised slogans against the central government over the Citizenship Amendment Act despite appeals by Speaker Om Birla to take their respective seats.The Opposition members started raising slogans soon after the House met for the day.The Rajya Sabha was also adjourned amid protests by opposition parties over CAA and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). (ANI)
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