Panaji (Goa) [India], Feb 4 (ANI): Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Monday said that the people of the state are with the central government in support of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and accused the opposition parties of trying to misguide the public."There is nothing objectionable in the Act. The majority of Catholic 15 MLAs from BJP supported the motion. Some people, especially Congress and other opposition parties are trying to misguide the people," Sawant told ANI."I will not say that the opposition members are innocent about the Act. They are well aware of it but they are purposely trying to misguide people," he said.On Monday, the Goa Legislative Assembly passed a congratulatory motion, congratulating Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for passing the CAA.The opposition, while walking out from the House, demanded two and half-hour-long discussion on the issue of CAA and NRC, and not the congratulatory motion which was moved by the ruling BJP government.Sawant further said that there is nothing objectionable in the CAA and it is enacted to take care of the minority communities in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.He pointed out that Hindus in Pakistan has been reduced from 13.5 to 1.85 per cent."Where have these people gone? They have either got converted or migrated and naturally they have come to India," the Chief Minister said. (ANI)
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