New Delhi [India], Nov 25 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday extended his greeting to Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Kumar Deb on his birthday and lauded him for his work in the state."Greetings to Tripura CM Shri Biplab Kumar Deb on his birthday. He is assiduously working towards the progress of Tripura. May he lead a long and healthy life," Modi tweeted.Biplab Kumar Deb also thanked the Prime Minister and said that the latter's appreciation will further motivate him to work harder."PM Narendra Modi Ji thank you very much for your warm wishes and appreciation, which will further motivate me to work harder. With your support and blessings we are committed to transform Tripura into a Model State," he tweeted.In March 2018, Deb was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Tripura. He took the mantle after the BJP- Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) coalition defeated the Communist Party of India with a two-thirds majority in the Tripura legislative assembly elections.BJP had won 35 of the 59 seats that went to polls in Tripura, ousting the CPI(M) which won only in 17 assembly constituencies. (ANI)

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