Srikakulam (Andhra Pradesh) [India], April 6 (ANI): Amid the coronavirus lockdown imposed in the country to combat the spread of the disease, officials in Palasa Kasibugga town in Srikakulam district distributed essential commodities to 10,000 poor families. Vajja Baburao, a former municipal chairman, has distributed packets of essential commodities to 10,000 poor families in Palasa Kasibugga municipality."There are 48 slums in Palasa Kasibugga municipality. The poor over there have lost their work due to the lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. We wanted to help them irrespective of their party affiliation. We are providing food to almost 10,000 families," said Baburao.Baburao said they had already distributed masks, sanitizers, bleaching powder, etc to the people for cleanliness."We wish Andhra Pradesh to become coronavirus free state soon," he added. (ANI)
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