Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], Nov 15 (ANI): After a row sparked in the Odisha Assembly over an alleged government brochure terming Mahatma Gandhi's death as an accident, senior Congress leader Narasingha Mishra on Friday said that it appeared to be a deep-rooted conspiracy."While celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Odisha government had published a brochure and distributed in large giving an impression that Mahatma had an accidental death. They want to convey that Gandhi was not killed by Nathuram Godse. It appears to be a deep-rooted conspiracy," he told ANI.The Congress leader also demanded Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik's resignation "if it was done knowingly"."If it was done unknowingly, he is answerable to the people and must beg apology to the people of Odisha. The brochure should be immediately withdrawn and a correction copy should be recirculated among the people," said Mishra.The ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD) leader Rajkishore Das has said that the government will put forth their stand on the matter tomorrow in the assembly."The Assembly Speaker has given a ruling in the matter. The concerned ministers will put forth their stand tomorrow. The matter will only then be clear," Das said.BJP leader Pradipta Kumar Naik also criticised the incident but refrained from commenting on the matter."The Speaker has asked the concerned department to submit a statement in the matter. The Congress always tries to malign the image of BJP. We have nothing to do with this. The BJD should clear the matter," said Naik. (ANI)
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