New Delhi [India], Feb 28 (ANI): Attacking the Centre for overnight transfer of Delhi High Court Justice Muralidhar, Congress general secretary KC Venugopal on Thursday claimed that not only the democratic institution but the judiciary itself is blatantly "suppressed and undermined"."A strong and independent judiciary has been the backbone of this country. The country is witnessing a dictatorship which is continuously gaining ground, wherein not only the democratic institution but the judiciary itself, are blatantly suppressed and undermined," said Venugopal in a statement. He cornered Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for immediate and overnight transfer of Justice Muralidhar, who highlighted the role "played by certain BJP leaders in instigating the mob and directed the Delhi police to take urgent action".The Congress leader claimed that the action taken by Muralidhar was a clear "proof of the discomfort on part of Prime Minister Modi and Shah over fears of an impartial investigation exposing their complicity in the Delhi riots."He said: "The decision to transfer the Judge is hardly surprising given the fact that the BJP which had unashamedly instigated the mob and provided complete impunity to those who called for violence, took such a malicious decision under cover of darkness."Venugopal further asked Modi-Shah duo to clarify as to why are they "afraid" of an impartial and fair investigation."Are they worried about the fact that at the end of the day questions will be asked on their complicit role in terms of both in inaction as well as instigating the mob? This brazenness and highhandedness are a clear rebuff to the families, who lost their dearest ones as well as the tens of thousands of the citizens who believe in the democratic values of our constitution," he said. Asserting that the judiciary in our country is guided by one principle above all others- 'Satyamev Jayate', he said: "Modi and Shah cannot hide behind untruth and highhandedness all the time."A government notification directing Justice Muralidhar to assume charge of his office in Punjab and Haryana High Court was issued on Wednesday.Justice S Muralidhar along with Justice Anup J. Bhambhani also heard a matter related to Delhi violence on Tuesday midnight.They heard a plea seeking safe passage of injured victims of violence in New Delhi to medical institutions with adequate facilities.The Bench had then directed the Delhi Police to ensure safe passage of the injured victims by deploying all resources, as well as to make sure they receive immediate emergency treatment. (ANI)

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