Chandigarh [India], Feb 20 (ANI): Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab chief Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday said that there have been no official talks with Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu regarding the former cricketer's joining his party."He is an honest man. Every person who loves Punjab and wants to work for the welfare of the State is welcome. There have been no official talks with him so far," Mann told reporters here when asked if there are any chances of Navjot Singh Sidhu joining the party.In June last year, the Congress leader was stripped off the portfolios of local government and Tourism and Culture Ministry by Chief Minister Amarinder Singh after the party won eight parliamentary seats out of 13 Lok Sabha constituencies in the Punjab state. He was given Power and New and Renewable Energy Resources ministry after a Cabinet reshuffle. Later, Sidhu resigned from the post. (ANI)

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