Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Jan 13 (ANI): Varanasi Divisional Commissioner Deepak Aggarwal on Monday clarified that no formal proposal is under consideration as of now regarding dress code for visitors at Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi."Several media outlets are carrying reports about a dress code for visitors at Kashi Vishwanath Temple. I state it with full responsibility that no such formal proposal is under consideration as of now," Aggarwal stated."A verbal suggestion was made by some members of Kashi Vidvat Parishad. It was discussed but we have not received any formal proposal. I deny all such reports on the matter," he added.Earlier it was reported that the authorities were mulling introducing traditional wear "Dhoti" as a dress code for the devotees visiting the Kashi Vishwanath Temple."At present, the 'Sparsh-Darshan' is allowed for a short time after the 'Mangla-Arti' keeping in view the limited space in sanctum sanctorum and a large number of devotees," Aggarwal earlier said."Yesterday, a meeting was chaired by Tourism and Religious Affairs Minister Neelkanth Tiwari in which other stakeholders were also present. The meeting mulled over introducing traditional 'dhoti' as a dress code for those who want to do 'Sparsh-Darshan'. We will introduce it only after thorough discussions with several stakeholders. The people will either bring their own 'dhoti' or the Mandir Nyas will provide them with one," he added.Kashi Vishwanath is one of the most famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located on the banks of Ganges in Varanasi (ANI)
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