New Delhi [India], April 29 (ANI): As per the Health Ministry's protocol, the NITI Bhavan will resume normal operations after 48 hours, NITI Aayog said on Tuesday."All officers of NITI Aayog are functional, available and currently working from home. As per the protocol of the Ministry of Health, the NITI Bhavan will resume normal operations after 48 hours," it said in a tweet.A NITI Aayog employee was tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday after which its building was sealed as a precautionary measure."An employee working at NITI Bhavan has been detected positive with COVID-19. It was informed to the authorities at 9 am this morning. NITI Aayog is following all the due protocols necessary as per the Ministry of Health guidelines. The building has been sealed," NITI Aayog had tweeted. (ANI)
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